Thursday 16 December 2010

The damage a man can do (will write soon)

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Pain+Strength= a Decrease in Humanity

Strength has kept me here
which begs a question
with an answer I fear
more than depression

There are dots missing
in this picture
and even at my lowest
i'm loathe
to turn to scripture

or turn to anyone
for fear of being shunned
I just trust myself to do
what needs to be done

but that single minded
has lead me to believe
I've lost my humanity

humanity is weakness
our soul laid bear
I've lost that
i fear i'm beyond repair

there's pain that's real
and pain percieved
many feelings are just
inaccessible to me

So I play along
with a repetoire
of songs
a carefully constucted way
of getting along

Of course i hurt
of course I cry
a moments release
as feelings quickly die

Then all i have left
is my strength in the cold
another way of saying
i'm bereft of soul

In my humble opinion...

The stronger you are
the more numb you become
getting abused
stops feeling like a
hit and run

for who can a man be
without limitaions
without a breaking point
without the need for salvation

just a shell of a man
who pretends to be

who once felt the burn

Just a shell of a man
a desperate wannabe

i wish i'd lost my mind
of my humanity...

Monday 6 December 2010

Never saved her...

She'd pray
A thousand ave Marias
hoping a spirit would
take pity & heal her
but it's hard to hear
an emaciated soul
in truth
they just
couldn't feel her...