Friday, 19 November 2010

Daddy was a rockstar

Growing up, daddy was a big rockstar
The type with no songs, no guitar
He played a white rock at the end of a pipe
till it played him then out went the light
it made him a man who thought all was alright
even when it wasnt, just made him lose sight
of the fact that reassurance won't come from the white
but he was deaf to me, high as a kite

thats coz, daddy was a big rockstar
when he didn't have the rocks he had the minibar
done been disowned by my grandmama
coz his actions sent her sick to the ER
he never gave a shit, just cursed in patois
just lacked in manners, mister faux pas
his manners got me bullied but he never knew
coz her had a fluffy white cloud obscuring his view

Sometimes we were hungry, taken in and out of care
its called care but with us no-one bother dare
institutions to & fro, a lost identity nowhere to go
it was called care but boy did we bleed
just left rotting away from our seed
then daddy got us
coz he thought he lost us
took us to score, once more
that was torturous

coz we knew, once more was before the next score
while me & sis
Had the chore of stealing from the store
we did it, to enable his next fix
one step away from us out there turning tricks
Deep down we knew he wouldn't do us that bad
mum was schitszo so he was all that we had
but crack was more important to him then being a dad
tho we always felt loved which just made it more sad

thats coz

My daddy was a big rockstar
whenever he was high he'd play that song fast car
& make promises  that broke & left a scar
i prayed so hard for that fictional fast car

so we could leave his cracked out arse & go far
leave him fraternising with the dealers at a bar

but to leave him now would be dreadful
his soul windows were hollow, he was pitiful
underneath the mask my dad soul was beautiful
so we stayed looked after him totally wishing...

That he'd be the dad we loved, cheerful & playful
but he continued to be, disgraceful & woeful

so we lost faith in him & took care of us
when he'd beg us for money, we'd tell him to dus!
but we still looked out for him coz we loved him dearly
he'd try to get clean, but only managed nearly

thats coz

My daddy was a big rockstar
if he never met the rocks he would have gone so far
bad he had, so we had to recreate our legacy
achieving all the best things would be our destiny
so we worked hard, got into the top universities
but we kept looking back
we couldn't leave behind dad

He'd kept us warm in the cold, with his comforting hold
& because he was our daddy we could never let him go.

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