I'm Killing myself softly
but not with a song
as I draw in sustenance
from the end of a bong
I'm elevated chemically
am I smoking it or is it smoking me?
I like to pace myself with weed
then when it's time for action
there's, speed speed speed!
Does living fast mean I'll die young
is fun a substitute for the fact I never won
It's been years since I've been on a plane
so the chemicals provide the release that I crave
though I have much more to gain
from never being that chemicals slave
but still a slave i am
for lack of a better plan
I'm one of the damned
I'm one of the damned
That get to bear witness to their self destruction
I'm all too self aware, but I need to function
when I'm out at some club
I've got my vodka, cider, shots and rum
if I'm not stumbling then it's no fun
and my belly's rumbling from the damage I've done
I like being drunk, is that controversial?
I wash away all my drunken sins with Persil
and recover in rapid time
with a little help from GlaxoSmithKline
Though I'm aware that's killing me too
eventually the prophecy is gonna come true
How do I choose with an ambivalent voice
I will lose because I know I've made the wrong choice
I'm killing myself softly
but not with a song
I've realized
the drugs have had me all along
It was coded into my genes
to get fucked off my face via any means
It was destiny, it was fate
to prefer living life in an altered state
I want to resist
but I don't know how
I was high when I wrote this
and I'm high right now...